At Overport Primary School we foster a positive school community and enhance student health and wellbeing and mental health in a variety of ways. We nurture the development of each child through: - Explicitly taught social and emotional curriculum. - Student wellbeing policies including Anti-Bullying, Cyber Safety policies and student wellbeing handbook. - Active student wellbeing team including assistant principal, passionate teachers, social worker, student support service officers (SSSO) and other health professionals. - Using restorative practices to repair harm and strengthen relationships. - Student Voice leaders (Prep to Year 5)
At Overport, we are lucky to have a therapy dog called Ralph working in the classroom with Mrs Stevens and with groups of children on essential skills such as emotional regulation and social skills. These therapy groups also has the support of our social worker, Rachael. Ralph is brought to school at least three days a week and is a valuable staff member at Overport. Ralph is a very calming influence for our students and teachers. As well as working in the classroom, Ralph accompanies Mrs Stevens on yard duty. The students love being with Ralph. The adventures of Ralph the therapy dog has popped up in student writing and has been featured in some art work.
Ralph and his handler (Mrs Stevens) have completed their dog therapy certification. This is updated annually.
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