This term, the Year 5 students will be studying the topic of Chemistry. This unit of inquiry will allow the students to explore and carry out scientific investigations about the various states of matter. Students will have an excursion at the end of the term to Science Works. In the study of English, students will revisit poetry and then commence work on explanations and procedural writing. This will tie in extremely well with our unit of inquiry – Chemistry. The students will continue to develop their reading and comprehension skills through exploration of the print media for the upcoming Olympics. In mathematics, we will look at three big topics – money, time and shape. These topics will include related concepts such as the four operations, fractions and decimals that we have looked at intensively in semester one. Events coming up this term include a Metro presentation in preparation for the Urban Camp in Term 4. A presenter will come to talk to the Year 5 students about train safety and looking after each other in the city. Documents such as medical forms, asthma and anaphylaxis action plans will be distributed soon so please keep a look out for any notices that will come home in your child’s bag. The annual school production of ‘Space Pirates’ will be a major project this term. The students have already been introduced to the musical item in their weekly music lessons. Students will learn some wonderful choreography and will have many opportunities to rehearse at school with their classmates. Information about production and costumes will be out shortly. Happening next week is a very exciting incursion all about mathematics. Professor Maths will be coming for workshops at our school. Students will be involved in interactive activities to apply their mathematical knowledge and skill. Also happening next week are the all-important family forums. Please make sure you have made a time for the family forum so that you can come in with your child and celebrate the successes at school and assist them in creating goals for semester two. |