Year 1 & 2
In mathematics this term our students’ have been focusing on place value, multiplication and length. We are playing a lot of different games and have used lots of hands on materials to strengthen our understanding of place value. Another learning focus has been the use of informal measurement to explore the different lengths of objects, for example, using our hands, feet, school books, pencils etc. to measure tables, chairs and lockers. We have had a lot of fun measuring ourselves and our friends with our feet and hands. Students’ are now focusing on multiplication. They have been learning about the different ways multiplication can be represented, for example, repeated addition, ‘groups of’ and arrays. Students’ are being encouraged to use the correct language and mathematical terms when working in mathematics. Literacy
Our students have been working well in literacy as we continue to learn about our VCOP characters and how they can assist us with our writing. Ask your child about Vinnie Vocabulary, Connie Connective, Ollie Opener and Penny Punctuation and how these characters help us with our writing. We have been learning about narratives by discussing structural elements of our stories, such as, what happens in the beginning, middle and end. We are learning to identify the setting, where and when the story happened and the different characters. The students have been reading narrative texts in the classroom and discussing if the story has a problem and a solution. Some students are beginning to show great story plans for their narrative writing and are enjoying sharing these with their peers. |
Integrated studies
This unit will focus on developing the concepts of our body systems, exercise and preparing and eating good, nutritious foods for healthy, growing bodies. It will focus on how these concepts work together to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Students have been learning about being healthy and foods that are every day, sometimes and occasional foods. We have also been learning about the five senses that our bodies use such as sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. It would be great if, as a family, you can reinforce what we learn at school by ensuring your child has a healthy and nutritious lunch box packed for their school days. This should include fresh vegetables and fruits, some dairy, such as cheese and yogurt (with minimal sugar). Add some meat or other protein such as egg and salad in a sandwich or roll. Please try and keep sometimes food such as biscuits and chips as an occasional treat. It's great include a homemade 'treat' instead such as home-made dip, or a homemade muesli bar. It would be a lovely idea to include your child in cooking and preparation of their lunch box at home. Please ensure that a fresh water bottle filled with water is brought to school each day. |